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Creajeux, école de référence en formation aux métiers du jeu vidéo, offre des cursus en programmation, infographie et test QA, avec des projets collaboratifs.

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Nîmes, France

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Game Art, Game Programming, Game Testing

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Cnam Enjmin

Cnam-Enjmin, leader français du jeu vidéo et des médias numériques, offre des formations innovantes et reconnues, connectées aux besoins de l’industrie.

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Angoulême, France

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Game Design, Game Art, Game Programming, Game Audio, Game Production, ...

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RTFX école référente en cinéma, animation 2D/3D, VFX et jeu vidéo, forme les talents de demain avec une pédagogie innovante et un réseau professionnel mondial

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Montpellier, France

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Game Art, Game Programming, Animation, Programming

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ESGI, école leader en informatique, forme des talents en initial et alternance à Paris, avec des diplômes reconnus par l’État.

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Paris, France

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Game Programming, Virtual Reality Game Development, Augmented Reality ...

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Créasup Digital

Formez-vous aux métiers du design digital et du jeu vidéo avec des programmes spécialisés, des tarifs compétitifs et une approche axée sur l’innovation.

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Tonnerre, France

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Game Design, Game Art, Game Monetization

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L’EMC, école reconnue dans les métiers de l’image, du son et de la 3D, forme les talents de demain grâce à des spécialisations innovantes.

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Malakoff, France

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Game Art, Game Audio

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Autograf, pionnier du design et des arts appliqués, prépare les talents de demain avec créativité, innovation et reconnaissance internationale.

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Paris, France

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Game Art, Animation

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3w Academy

3W Academy, école innovante, connecte ses talents en développement web, mobile et jeux vidéo avec les entreprises en quête de compétences.

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Paris, France

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Game Programming, Programming

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Gaming Campus

Soutenue par plus de 200 entreprises du jeu vidéo, Gaming Campus crée une expérience de formation unique, immersive et pluridisciplinaire.

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Lyon, France

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Game Art, Game Programming, Marketing, Game Monetization, E-sport, Man...

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ECV Game

Basée à Bordeaux, Paris et Lille, l’ECV Game est une école incontestée dans l’industrie du jeu vidéo.

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Paris, France

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Game Art, Animation

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ANATEN, institut en Occitanie, forme aux métiers du numérique, jeu vidéo et XR avec des Bachelors et Mastères axés sur la pratique et l'innovation.

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Tarbes, France

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Game Design, Game Art, Game Programming, Game Production, Game Writing...

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CREAPOLE, école de design à Paris, forme depuis 30 ans des designers reconnus, alliant créativité, professionnalisation et réseau international.

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Paris, France

industry sectors icon

Animation, Design

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Find Your Ideal Video Game School

Do you dream of working in the video game industry but don't know where to start? Achievement Industry guides you in your search by offering a comprehensive directory of video game schools in France. Our platform is designed to help you find the training programs that best match your aspirations, whether you want to become a Game Designer, video game developer, graphic designer, or 3D animation expert.

Find the Perfect Training for You: Bachelor's, License, Master's, and More

With the rapid evolution of the video game industry, it is essential to choose a school that offers up-to-date training tailored to current trends. By consulting our directory, you will discover programs ranging from a Bachelor's in Video Games to a Master's in Game Design, as well as work-study programs that allow you to gain practical experience while studying. Our partner schools also offer specialized programs in Game Production, Game Testing, Game Analytics, and Game Writing, giving you a wide range of options to succeed in the video game industry.

Take the First Step Toward a Successful Career in Video Games

Achievement Industry is here to provide you with a list of video game schools and training centers in our online directory. Whether you want to become a Game Designer, a Game Artist, or specialize in Game Testing or Game Writing, our directory helps you discover the programs that will lead you to a career in video games. Each school listed on our site offers various courses, ranging from video game development to analysis and production. We are here to help you by providing the information you need to choose the path that suits you.

We believe that a solid education in video games is the key to success in this exciting and ever-evolving field. Don't miss this opportunity to build a fulfilling career in video games with our directory of video game schools in France and other countries.

Explore our schools and training centers today and take the first step toward your professional future in the video game industry with Achievement Industry.